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How To Fold A Polo Shirt

How To Fold A Polo Shirt
1. Lay your polo shirt on a flat surface and straighten it out with no wrinkles.

2. Button up all the buttons.

3. Flip your polo shirt over so that it is button side down.

4. Fold the sleeves into the body of the polo by taking each sleeve and folding it back to the middle of the shirt.

5. Smooth the shirt out with your hands. The key to folding any shirt, including polos, is to run your hands over the fabric after every fold. This will help to smooth out the wrinkles and to ensure tight, secure folds.

6. Now, fold in the sides of your shirt. Take the side and fold it in towards the middle.

7. Repeat with the other side of the shirt so both sides are folded in and touching each other.

8. Bring the bottom of the shirt up to the collar to fold the shirt in half.

9. You may need to do an extra fold depending on the polo shirt’s length. If your shirt is extra large or extra long, then a single bottom fold may not be enough.

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